Break Free from Unhealthy Cycles

Course Curriculum
- Breaking Lifelong Patterns
- Introduction
Module 1 - Unrelenting Standards
Worksheet 1
Module 2 - Entitlement & Grandiosity
Worksheet 2
Module 3
Worksheet 3
Module 4 - Approval Seeking
- Approval Seeking
- Worksheet 4
Module 5 - Negativity and Pessimism
- Negativity and Pessimism
- Worksheet 5
Module 6 - Punitivness
Worksheet 6
Module 7 - Emotional Deprivation
Worksheet 7
Module 8 - Abandonment
Worksheet 8
Module 9 - Mistrust & Abuse
- Worksheet 9
- Mistrust and Abuse
Module 10 - Social Isolation
- Worksheet 10
- Social Isolation
Module 11 - Defectiveness & Shame
Worksheet 11
Module 12 - Failure to Achieve
Worksheet 12
Module 13 - Dependency & Incompetence
- Worksheet 13
- Dependency and Incompetence
Module 14 - Vulnerability to Harm
- Worksheet 14
- Vulnerability to Harm
Module 15 - Enmeshment
Worksheet 15
Module 16 - Subjugation
- Worksheet 16
- Subjugation
Module 17 - Self Sacrifice
Worksheet 17
Module 18 - Emotional Inhibition
Worksheet 18
Let's Connect
Actively Engage in Women's Biz Tribe and Fast track your Success!
Connect with Annie and she will follow you back!
Here's What You Will Learn
- Examine 18 different behavioral patterns called schemas
- Gain a deeper understanding of the habits you have developed and how they cause you to respond in different environments.
- Find healthy ways to move towards wholeness and reduce unhealthy coping mechanisms which have been limiting your growth.
What's Included
6 self paced online learning modules
8 education videos
8 education videos
20 interactive worksheets
Live webinars
Private group for sharing and motivation