
Are you pitch perfect?

Written by Annie Gibbins | 20 Jul 2022

Let me ask you this, are you pitch perfect?

We all know the power behind the perfect pitch. It’s never easy standing up to a room full of people, showing up as your true and authentic self. It's not uncommon for TEDx talks to go viral overnight, and podcast platforms hit the big time just months after launching.

As brand communicators, being able to deliver a speech just isn't enough. We need passion, purpose, and a desire for limitless profits.

Delivery, impact, messaging, and likeability are a mash-up of skills, massively subtle yet pack-a-punch for any booming business. Don't let your ability to pitch stand in the way between your vision and the financing needed to turn that vision into reality. Although daunting, there are steps you can take to ensure a greater chance of success.

So, what does it take?


Public speaking is never easy, and pitching a business idea, product, or service can be one of the most nerve-wracking parts of any entrepreneur’s journey. So, why not face those fears head-on, with a group of supportive and like-minded cheerleaders?

Why? Because every businesswoman needs to talk about their business - to potential clients, prospective customers, and future investors.

Ready to supercharge your journey and unlock your full potential?

  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you practice, the more confident you'll become. Rehearse your pitch in front of friends, family, or a mentor. Get comfortable with your content and your delivery.

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your pitch to the needs and interests of your audience. Whether you’re pitching to investors, customers, or partners, make sure your message resonates with them.

  • Tell a Story: People connect with stories. Weave your pitch into a compelling narrative that highlights your passion, purpose, and vision. Make it memorable.

  • Be Clear and Concise: Get to the point quickly. Clearly articulate what you’re offering, why it’s valuable, and what you need from your audience.

  • Show Your Passion: Let your enthusiasm shine through. Passion is contagious and can persuade your audience to believe in you and your vision.

  • Handle Objections Gracefully: Be prepared for questions and objections. Address them confidently and use them as an opportunity to further demonstrate your knowledge and commitment.

  • Seek Feedback and Iterate: After each pitch, seek feedback. Learn what worked and what didn’t, and refine your pitch accordingly.

  • Use Visual Aids Wisely: If you’re using slides or other visual aids, keep them simple and focused. They should complement your pitch, not distract from it.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Make eye contact, use gestures, and interact with your audience. Engaging with them helps build rapport and keeps their attention.

  • End with a Strong Call to Action: Be clear about what you want your audience to do next. Whether it’s scheduling a follow-up meeting, investing in your business, or trying your product, make your call to action compelling.

Ready to supercharge your journey and unlock your full potential? Let’s embrace the power of the perfect pitch and turn your vision into reality.

To your unstoppable success,

Annie Gibbins
Founder, |
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