As an author, one of the biggest obstacles you may encounter is covering the expenses for all travel and speaking opportunities that arise. Although local shires may be generous in their offerings, air travel and accommodation outside of your area can be expensive, and more often than not, not subsidised. This can be a huge financial burden and discourage you from pursuing speaking engagements and other opportunities that could help promote your work.
However, there are ways to overcome this challenge, as multi award-winning author Kez Wickham St George recently shared with me. Kez found a breakthrough by offering not only a presentation about the life of an author but also a creative movie related to her last trilogy. This generates more interest and support, which can lead to subsidising her travel and accommodation expenses. As Kez says, "it's your job as an author to keep the interest in your work high."
To achieve this breakthrough, Kez takes the following steps. Firstly, if it’s a charity she doesn't charge for speaking engagements. However, if the film is shown, she partners with the host to set a profitable price for the event tickets then equally shares the revenue. This approach is mutually beneficial for both parties. Kez also ensures that all of her books are showcased at any presentation, as this is also important.
Moreover, Kez involves the host in marketing her presentation and ticketing, making them an active part of the promotion process. This creates a team that collaborates to make the event a success. By working together, the author and the host can create a bigger impact and increase audience engagement.
However, what if you're not yet at the stage where you can produce a movie from your books? As an author, you may face other challenges, such as affording expenses to be involved in anthologies or small co-authored books. This can be especially challenging if you're just starting out or not well-known in your field.
To overcome this challenge, Kez offers her services such as PR or structural editing in exchange for a chapter in other books. This can be a great way to get involved in projects that you might not be able to afford otherwise. Kez decides which project is worthy of her time and expertise then requests to affiliate with a publisher. By doing so, she can offer her services and shine a light on her skills.
So while being an author is not always easy, and there will be obstacles along the way, by being creative and open to all possibilities, you can overcome these challenges and achieve success in your writing career.
By offering unique experiences, showcasing your work, and being an active part of the promotion process, you can create a lasting impact and grow your audience.
Remember, it's not just about the writing; it's also about connecting with readers and creating an experience that they will remember for a long time.
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